
Welcome, dear reader, to the blog Refraint of Sanity.

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tisdag 26 januari 2010

Ruined City Bases, Hussar style - Part 1

Well, it's been asked of me to make a tutorial for the bases, so, I thought i'd make one ^^
This is about, well, 4/7 of the total progress you do on the base. The rest will be added later ^^
Now, without further ado, I bring you...

Ruined City Bases; Hussar Style - Part 1

Step 1
So, theese are the things i'm going to use to make the base interesting.
We have a brick made out of a piece of sprue (top left) by simply making it somewhat square and then making it look weathered.

In the middle we have what you might see as, "white stuff". This is my home made concrete that will function nicely as a piece of a road. I've made this by using FIMO-clay (A clay that takes shape very easily, perfect for sculpting and is then baked in the oven to harden). The process is quite simple, you just take some baking paper and flatten some of the clay inbetween them to get the desired thickness (mine's around 2-3mm). Now, we need to get this nice "roady" surface to it. To get this, I use a small, small pebble, and simply gently roll this around over the surface of the clay. Try not to press to hard, seeing as this might case to deep indentations. But, ofc, this could look nice as some damage on it, but i'd rather model that myself once it's cured.
Anyways, i've taken this and cut it up into several small pieces, two of them visible here. I'm going to attach theese to eachother with the guitar string lying next to them. How I do this will be explained later.

Under the concrete we have two pieces of plasticard tubing and some more guitar wire, altough this is THIN. This will be attached to the larger of the pieces of concrete to look like somekind of broken of lamp-post or something, with some wires hanging out of it.

Then, at the top right, we have some GW razorwire. Need any explenation? ^^

Step 2:

Theese are the first things we'll concentrate on. This will all be formed into a single entity, and therefore has to be put together before the base is made. Firstly, we'll drill a hole in the side of each piece of concreate to attach the wire into. We glue the wire in with some super glue, and once one end of it is in, you can position the other as you'd like. After this, we drill a hole in the top of the bigger one, to attach the plasticard tubes. We'll now have something like this:

Now, we start weathering up one end of both of the tubes, that being the end that will be upwards. Once both are done, we put a tad bit of PVA-glue (I use something called Allround Glue, but I think they're quite simillar) and push in the thinner of the tubes. Once that's there, we put some more glue on the bottom of it and then slide the larger tube over it, creating the bottom part of it. We'll now have something looking like this instead:

Step 3

Now it's time to start the real work of building up the base. To get the right and proper height and general, well, "movement" on the base I start by building it up with a mix. This mix is quite a simple one consisting of:
PVA-Glue and sand in a 1:1 mix. It's supposed to get to the stage were you find it a bit to hard to work with, then you mix in a drop of water. The sand I use is just your normal fine sand found in something like a sandbox (I got it from mine ;)). Once your done it should look something like this:

This is the consistency I find best. It will be, ever so slightly floaty so it will create a nice "smooth" base to work on. I simply put this on the base, just covering it in a layer of a thickness of your own choice, altough, as of the consistency, it will only get so high before floating out. Therefore be a bit careful so it won't overflow over the sides of the base.

Step 4

Once this is put on, I start putting on the things I want to be slightly sunken into the ground, meaning, in this case, everything shown so far ^^'

Try not to truly submerge this inot the mix, as that would look wierd. The concrete I put so it sits slightly on top. It's own weight will later work it into the base to a proper amount. The brick gets stuck in and the same goes for the razorwire. Once it's all in there, I got this:

If you want the things to be more on top or less sunken into it, just wait a few minutes for it to dry partially, then you can press it into it instead. This won't lead to the same "hugging" from the ground though.

Now, this is as far as i've gotten so far. I'm waiting for this to dry, so the rest of the guide will hopefully be up later tonight. But, if this won't happen, you'll have to wait 'til Thursday evening. I'm going to my GF on Wednesday and visiting her school on Thursday, so I'm away from the modelling, so to speak ^^

Part 2 of the Tutorial can be found here:

Now, until later, cheers! ^^

Gloria Imperator!

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