had girlfriend over WITH camera this weekend and took a few cheeky photos when she was otherwise pre-occupied. Sadly, they were a bit quick and got a bit sloppy so I'm not sure it's even worth uploading, but, atleast they're not as colourdistorted ^^
I've done a small change since the last one though, in the form of making his nose and cheeks a little ruddy, to symbolise the cold environment he's going to be fighting in. Some practice will be needed, but I think it'll be able to look quite decent when done ^^
I've been doing a lot of colour tests on models, mostly on some BFSP Night Goblins, but lately, i've been needing to start testing the skin tones and some metalwork. So, as I have to build a full box of BFSP for my work until I can get the AOBR, I thought the Dwarfs would be some good subjects ;)
So, i'm hard at work on thoose for the moment so not that much to show right now, but, I thoguht i'd show you (both) the red i've decied to use for my Firstborn and my first try at glazing in colour on skin (which inspired me to try it on the Firstborn), nicely presented on a Gobbo:
I think the red shows it's best side from the back picture. Now, don't judge me to hard, this is some serious speed-painting. I think I got this model done in about 5-10min or so, just as a test. The red is quite an easy recipe and has a nice, ruddy-dirty tone to it that I think will do well.
Well, that's all for now, stay tuned for more progress on the army, and maybe a Dwarf or two ;)
Cheers ^^
Lux et Veritas, the Firstborn will Deliver!
That's an awesome looking red, Can't wait for the receipe!!
SvaraRaderaI also really liked your purple and bionic leg Vostroyan