I've dissed the old tank scheme I was using, quite simply because I didn't really like it all that much :P
I've instead opted for this scheme, which is a bit more fiting for their co-operation with the Adeptus Mechanicus. I'm quite pleased with this as a test piece, alough the real deal will have less driplets from it, seeing as I went a bit overboard on this one, mostly just to get the feel for making them ^^'
Some runnings should also be added to the gold in the real version, but, that'll show then ^^
Well, back to my weekend with my GF, have a good one everyone! ^^
Cheers ^^
Lux et Veritas, the Firstborn shall Deliver!
Now that looks damn sharp. And I agree, you overdid it a bit, but it looks great!
SvaraRaderaDefinitely looks good, and the streaks at least look great individually.
SvaraRaderaThanks for your replies ^^
SvaraRaderaI will, as said, mellow down on the streaks ^^
But i'll add some to the gold to though, it feel quite needed really, lookd odd when it's only on the metal ^^